Best Backgammon’s Opening Moves

Backgammon is a classic two-player board game that has been enjoyed for centuries. With its simple rules and complex strategies, it can be both challenging and rewarding to play.

One of the most important aspects of backgammon is how you open the game – your opening move will set the tone for the entire match.

Therefore, understanding some of the best opening moves in backgammon can give you an edge over your opponents and help you gain an advantage before each turn even begins. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the top strategies for successful backgammon openings so that you can start every match with confidence!

What are the best opening moves in backgammon?

This is a tricky question as it requires balancing the randomness of the dice with the desire for the best possible opening move. While a player’s moves are ultimately dictated by the roll of the dice, a skilled player will strive to make the best possible move with the given dice. Thus, understanding the importance of both luck and strategy is key to becoming a successful backgammon player.

Let’s check the best dice you can get, and what the best opening with those dice is:

  • Roll 1 and 3 are considered the best opening, and this is the move to do with it:

This move will block the “5” point at your home base and make your opponent’s plan to leave your home a lot harder. Notice that doubles 4’s can give you almost the same result:

  • In general, every difference of 2 between the dice can create a close point at your home and give a good opening against your opponent:

Notice that doubles 5’s can give you almost the same result as 5 and 3.

  • Rolls of 1 and 6 are also considered a good start, and this is the move to do with it:

This will create another good barrier between your opponent and his home base.

Notice that doubles 3’s can give you almost the same result.

  • There is a dice that can take the 6 and 1 one step further, this is the doubles 6’s:

Not only you blocked him as the 6 and 1 did, but you also moved out 2 pieces of his home and blocked his home entrance.

The best strategy in backgammon

Here are some general strategies that can increase your chances of winning:

  1. Control the center of the board: Try to occupy the four points in the middle of the board, known as the bar point, the midpoint, and the two points on either side of it. This will make it more difficult for your opponent to move their pieces forward.
  2. Develop your pieces quickly: Try to move your pieces out of your home board and into your outer board as quickly as possible. This will give you more options for moving your pieces around the board.
  3. Block your opponent’s progress: If possible, try to block your opponent’s pieces from moving forward by occupying the points they need to pass through. This can force them to waste moves or move their pieces in a less optimal way.
  4. Create “anchors”: An anchor is a point on the board where you have two or more pieces. This can be a powerful defensive position because it makes it harder for your opponent to attack your pieces.
  5. Play aggressively when ahead: If you have a significant lead in the game, you may want to play more aggressively to try to close out the game quickly. This can involve moving your pieces quickly toward your home board, and bearing them off as soon as possible.
  6. Play defensively when behind: If you are behind in the game, you may want to play more defensively to try to prolong the game and give yourself more opportunities to catch up. This can involve creating anchors and blocking your opponent’s progress.
  7. Pay attention to the doubling cube: The doubling cube can significantly increase the stakes of the game, so it’s important to pay attention to it and use it strategically. You may want to double when you have a significant lead, or when you think your opponent has a weak position.

The 5-point backgammon is a variant of the traditional backgammon game where players begin with all their checkers on their 5-point, rather than on their 24-point and 13-point as in standard backgammon.

This rule change drastically alters the strategy of the game, as players must navigate their checkers through a crowded home board right from the start of the game. The 5-point backgammon game is generally considered to be more aggressive and tactical than traditional backgammon, as players need to focus on creating and maintaining key points in their home board while simultaneously attempting to move their checkers forward and attack their opponent’s pieces.

Overall, the 5-point backgammon variant provides an interesting and challenging twist on the traditional game and can be a great option for players looking to shake up their usual gameplay experience.

The 6-5 opening move allows you to move one of your runners (the pieces that start at your opponent’s home) directly to safe point at the 12th point.

Overall, this opening move will give you an advantage over your opponent both offensively and defensively.

The 5-point is important in backgammon because it is located in a player’s home board, which is where they need to move their checkers to in order to bear them off the board. Additionally, it is a prime point for building anchors and can be used strategically to block the opponent’s checkers.

Backgammon is a game that requires both luck and skill. Although the rolls of the dice determine which moves you can make, ultimately it’s up to you to decide what move is best for your overall strategy. Therefore, while luck plays an important role in backgammon, skill is still required to make the most out of any situation.

Statistics can support this answer. The world’s best players are always managed to reach high places in tournaments – it’s no coincidence, it’s because they have a lot of skills.

With practice and study, you can become an expert backgammon player – and with the right opening moves, you’ll have a great start to every match!

In conclusion

Backgammon is a game which requires both luck and skill, so it’s important to be aware of the best opening moves to give you an advantage as well as taking strategic decisions throughout the game.

Knowing these strategies can help you become a better player and have more successful matches.

Happy playing!

Backgammon Hub

Backgammon Hub is a one-stop-shop for all things backgammon. It provides players with all the information they need to improve their skills, whether they are beginners or advanced players.

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